Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Facebook status response

I posted this status on Facebook 

around 6-7 hours ago..

"I had an ego caramel magnum, I had a cupcake with the delicious frostings, I had a cherry danish thing with french/whipped cheeeeeeeeese.. I had a saaaalad with chicken, I got me a packet of crackers and like 100g of hummus. I smashed that bitch up. Y U HATIN'>>? I did it in bed. U KNOW Y? Easy access to laying down afterwards. IN FACT, my mother just woke me up and I was like, "IS IT YAZ TIME ALREADY?" because I take Yaz contraceptive pill as soon as I wake up each morning and she's like "No you idiot, you slept for 3 hours! GET UP LENACHKA! WE GO-ENG TO DAH DOK-TER TOMORREW :3" Seriously though, it did go like that I just can't caption my mum's Russian accent in text. IMPOSSIBRU!"

Someone I know commented with this -

Think of a guy doing the worst ever russian accent in any cartoon ever and 

that's what I imagine your mum sounds like. Like, all the time. 

Because everyone knows that even russian women have manly voices

2 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1

Actually, I thought it was HILARIOUS! 

See, it's funny cuz it's true.

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